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Museum Hours of Operation (Southland Mall)

Museum New Hours

Sunday: closed
Monday: closed
Tues-Sat 10-3pm



The museum has a variety of exhibits including early photographs, children’s toys, quilts, furniture, musical instruments, dishes and school items all with some connection to the area’s history.

Hours of Operation

Sunday: closed
Monday: closed 
Tuesday – 10-3pm
Wednesday – 10-3pm
Thursday: 10-3pm
Friday: 10-3pm
Saturday: 10-3pm

We are open in the North West corner of the Southland Mall.

Visits may be by appointment as well, just contact us. There is no admission fee, but donations are gratefully accepted.


The Winkler Heritage Museum accepts donations of antique furniture, clothes, toys, dishes, tools, photos, handcraft items, etc. These items should have a connection with Winkler and surrounding area and should be in good condition. 

To check if your article is suitable contact: Joanne Bergen 204-319-0080

Living Between Worlds book cover

Winkler Centennial Books

Winkler history books are sold for $20.00 and are available at the museum and archive. 

Order your copy!